Since 1970, the Yahara Lakes Association (YLA) has been dedicated to representing waterfront property owners and advocating for the vitality of the Yahara chain of lakes so that all citizens may enjoy them.

Our Mission

  • Keep our members informed and involved in lake issues and events.

  • Take direct action and advocacy on lake, shoreline, and property issues.

  • Provide legislative representation and interaction with local and state officials.

  • Support and coordinate outreach and research on lake issues with farmers, government officials and communities.










What We've Achieved

  • Advocated to stop further PFAS pollution in the lakes and clean up what’s already spilled through meetings with the Governor’s office, DNR, and Dane County.

  • Advocated for increased focus and budget working with the Dane County Land and Water Resources Department and being a member of the Dane County Lakes and Watershed Commission for:

    • weed cutting, removal, and pier weed pick up,

    • removing phosphorus from the river and lake sediment,

    • preventing additional phosphorus from entering the lakes, and

    • dredging the river to increase water flow and prevent flooding.

  • Provided resources on shoreline regulations, pier requirements, and other resources needed by our lake shore property owner members.

  • Advocated for appropriate leaf and salt management that can damage our lakes.

  • Sent YL Alerts as needed with urgent information on the lakes from the Dane County Sheriff and Dane County Land and Water Resources Department, such as navigation disruptions, slow no wake orders, etc.

  • Coordinated Lakeside Learning sessions and our annual dinner to update and educate our members on important lake issues, and provide an opportunity to meet other people living on the lakes.